Rich welcomes Max Hervieux of the Logbook Project.
Max’s start with Apocalypse World (00:24)
Read a Sitch
Named villains vs. mooks (01:09)
Open Your Brain - Legend of the Elements
Overview (04:40)
Chakras & Chi (05:40)
Tags & Harm (07:11)
Hot-headed move (11:29)
Meditate move (12:37)
Act Under Fire
Plussatar (14:17)
Fire duel (15:55)
Move With Intention (18:19)
Shaping flame (19:56)
Safe from imminent attack (23:00)
Commit Open Violence (24:09)
Act Dishonorably (26:17)
Come at me, fire bro! (27:54)
Buy Legend of the Elements
Marissa’s start with Apocalypse World (00:23)
Read a Sitch
Running one-shots (01:21)
Open Your Brain - Epyllion
Overview (07:10)
Differences with Apocalypse World (07:46)
Moon Magic move (08:39)
Suitability for younger players (10:24)
Act Under Fire
Plussinistar (11:36)
Buzzlebuns (14:05)
The cave mouth (22:50)
Survey (24:17)
Standing-up to an Older Dragon (26:47)
“Enslave? It will just be on display!” (30:37)
Act Despite Danger (32:30)
Moon Magic (35:06)
The Unicorn of Dragons (38:51)
Buy Epyllion
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